Northern Associates, Inc.
Northern Associates, Inc. (NAI) is a small, locally owned, geologic consulting company located in Fairbanks, Alaska. We are a professional team of field geologists and prospectors serving the mining and mineral exploration industry. We have been working in Alaska on a consulting and contracting basis to junior and major mining companies, native corporations, and government agencies since 1982.
Mineral Exploration
We are actively involved in the exploration and evaluation of epithermal and mesothermal gold deposits, volcanogenic massive sulfide base+precious metal deposits, and copper-gold porphyry systems.
NAI's people bring skills and experience to a job that allows us to manage projects, identify the targets, and test them in an efficient and safe manner while delivering clean, accurate data upon which to base management decisions.
Whether it be reconnaissance exploration or drilling supervision, we are "roll up the sleeves" type people that rely on fundamental skills, coupled with the most modern and advanced tools available in the exploration industry.
Northern Associates can bring to your projects all the field gear and equipment necessary to do the exploration (trucks, tents, ATV’s, boats, GPS, radios, soil augers), and we have the computers, plotters and GIS software required to rapidly evaluate and display the data.
You are invited to call or email us at the numbers listed below. We look forward to talking with you about ways in which we can help you accomplish your exploration goals throughout Alaska and western Canada.